I'm sharing a letter I wrote from my future self - to my present day me one year ago.
I was written at a low point - and to read this today is absolutely magical.

I know in my bones that this intimate share needs to be heard, read, and felt by you. Perhaps it resonates. Inspires. Empowers. Or simply amuses. This letter is oozing with confidence, courage, and joy - the result of the work that I do on myself and with my clients, every day, to realise the visions we have for life. I invite you to dive in. Soak up. And leave a comment or email me what came up for you during.
Oh babe, your life is going to be so much more than you can even imagine right now. The abundance is going to be delicious and glorious. The wealth, time, freedom, love, community, sisterhood, the travel. It is going to be beyond your wildest dreams. Trust me - you will receive the cues from the universe when you need them. You will receive the clients who are beyond excited to step into your world. They are lining up in front of your door. All you have to do is open it. You are doing the right thing. You will be getting all the manicures, pedicures, and massages you can dream of. You will spend your money with so much joy and pleasure - on yourself and on others. You will be so generous, and it will all be flowing back to you in more abundance than you can even imagine right now. You are gorgeous, you are intelligent, you are magnetizing. You are pulling people into your space without even trying. It will come easy when you surrender to your path, your timeline. It is inevitably coming your way. You are walking this path of success, joy, and abundance - so love it. Play with it. Laugh. Want things and get yourself those things just because you want them. It's reason enough. Pamper yourself and those around you. Be grateful. Be forgiving. Be generous. The magic that is about to unfold is more abundantly incredible than I can even describe to you right now. So enjoy the path to get there. There is no reason to worry. We've got it, sister. You're a freaking masterpiece. And you are about to create one. All the love for you, Me
Pfffiew! That was as intimate as it gets. I am overflowing with curiosity to hear what came up for you, reading through this letter. Reply in an email to maartje@yourspacetothink.com or leave a comment to let me know how this landed.