I used to have a tumultuous relationship with my intuition. This week one of my clients' 1:1 sessions stuck with me. It was a session where we dove into a big decision: should she apply for this job, or should she stay in her current role?

A bit of background for you: this client, like all of the women who I get to work with, is great at what she does, fiery ambitious, and a high achiever. Another promotion at her current job is around the corner AND she's being recruited left and right. This session stuck with me because it showed how powerful your intuition can be when you use it as a tool for decision making. Here's what we did:
I asked her to name all the reasons why she should apply for this job. I challenged her and we found reasons that she had never even thought of before.
I then asked her to name all the reasons why she should not apply and stay in her current role. Here we also uncovered beliefs that had been hidden, like a fear of rejection, and a fear of the unknown.
This is where it got interesting. We now had an extensive list of reasons for either side of the decision. I invited her to close her eyes, put one hand on her heart, and one on her belly. As I guided her through a few deep breaths, to become aware of her body, I started to read through the two lists. I asked her to pay attention to what was happening in her body - not her mind - as she listened.
When I finished she smiled, eyes still closed, and said: "Damn. That felt so good. When you read the "apply" list, I felt so expansive, full of growth and possibilities." When I asked her about the "stay" side of the list, she said: "I felt small. Like a child that is afraid to step out of her comfort zone."
We continued this work, but right there she knew what was the right choice for her. This is how you can use your intuition to make heart-centered, grounded decisions. We take the logic - aka the list - to create the map and let the intuition tell you which road to take. Freaking powerful. Here comes the funny thing though: 2 years ago I thought intuition was bullshit. The Maartje who was knee deep in the tech industry, surrounded by old, white, male CEOs, didn't bother with something so vague and "woo woo". I wouldn't be myself if I didn't give you the honest truth - and the truth is that one of the core tools that I use in my coaching is one that I have been highly skeptical of for most of my life. In the past 2 years, as I started to learn more about my body and my womanhood, I started to hear little signals that my body was sending me. I thought it was weird. I thought it was just my mind making this up. But as I continued to do the inner work with teachers and mentors, doing stuff I never thought I would (writing a letter to my ancestors, for example), those signals became louder. My disbelief turned into awe, and today my intuition is like a safety line that is giving me little tugs telling me what to do. It is a friend who knows what I need when I am unsure. Listening to these little tugs is how I choose me every day. Today I want to give you the gift of receiving a signal from your own intuition. Your own safety line. Try this - really do it, don't just read and move on in the business of the day. I know you have 1 minute to spare, my friend. Place a hand on your heart and one on your belly. Take 3 deep breaths in through your nose, and sigh it out through your mouth. Now ask yourself the question: what do I need today to refill my cup? Feel. The answer is within you. (sometimes my intuition answers that question with "wine & pizza" and you betcha I'm listening to that!)
Let me know in a comment or a reply via email to maartje@yourspacetothink.com what came up for you as you connected to your intuition, if it was easy, or maybe challenging. As you now know, I've been there too 💛 How are you refilling your cup today?